FSSAI has laid down general & specific food safety & hygiene requirements for Food Business Operators who are applying for license/registration. These basic hygiene requirements are laid down in Schedule 4 of Food Safety & Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011. These may be downloaded from http://fssai.gov.in/home/fss-legislation/fss-regulations.html
Food Safety & Hygiene Requirements have been categorized into five major sections, namely –
Part 1 - General Hygienic and Sanitary practices to be followed by Petty Food Business Operators applying for Registration.
Part 2 - General Requirements on Hygienic and Sanitary Practices to be followed by all Food Business Operators applying for License - Manufacturing/ processing/ packaging/storage/distribution.
Part 3 - Specific Hygienic and Sanitary Practices to be followed by Food Business Operators engaged in manufacture, processing, storing and selling of Milk and Milk Products. (in addition to Part 2)
Part 4 - Specific Hygienic and Sanitary Practices to be followed by Food Business Operators engaged in manufacture, processing, storing and selling of Meat and Meat Products.
Part 5 - Specific Hygienic and Sanitary Practices to be followed by Practices to be followed by Food Business Operators engaged in catering / food service establishments. (These are in addition to Part 2)
Yes, as per the condition of license, it is required to maintain sanitary and hygienic standards in the food premises and worker's hygiene as specified in the Schedule - 4 according to the category of food business.
FSSAI has developed sector specific guidance documents based on Schedule 4 of Food Safety & Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011 for ease of implementation of these requirements by FBO. These guidance documents also include sample HACCP Plans for specific sector, inspection checklist & important formats for record keeping.
Third Party means an organization or agency other than the Food Authority and Food Business Operators.
Food Safety Audits will reduce the regulatory Food Safety Inspections conducted by Central or State Licensing Authorities. Satisfactory Audits will lead to less frequent regulatory inspections by Central or State Licensing Authority except the regulatory sampling. This will strengthen food safety surveillance system and encourage self-compliance. This will reduce the gap between regulator led enforcement & field level Non-Compliance.
INFoLNET provides an extensive online portal to food laboratories and different stakeholders who are involved in the process of food testing. INFoLNET is one-step resource for managing all activities of food testing through online interface. It also provides real time statistics on food testing and also common interface for communication through different activities involved in food testing.
To access INFoLNET online system, user has to type URL: https://infolnet.fssai.gov.in/#/ in any web browser and click “enter key”. User will be directed to home page of the application. The user has to first “register” on the INFoLNET system. Once registration will be done, user will get User ID and Password to access INFoLNET in his/her e-mail Id.
• User has to type URL: https://infolnet.fssai.gov.in/#/
• Select Role : Laboratory
• Fill their credentials, received through email
Responsibility of ensuring compliance of FSS Act, 2006 rules and regulations made thereunder by the FBO’s
Enforcement is undertaken on the basis of surveillance, monitoring, inspection and random sampling of food products carried out by the Officials of Food Safety Departments.
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and State Food Authorities are jointly responsible for implementation & enforcement of FSSA, 2006. The details are provided Section 29 of FSS Act, 2006.